Discover Weeks Brick House –Tracing Your Roots in New England
As Fall continues it seems to make our thoughts and souls seek comfort, seek out our roots and reconnect with places from our past, childhood places, places our ancestors came from or just places that resonate with us that have a deep history. Whether you seek your own roots, I share a personal place, the Weeks Brick house 307 years old still standing where it was built on site with native bricks and witness to early America as it transitioned from colony of England to the United States of America. Also a few quick tips on spending time in Portsmouth New Hampshire.
Portsmouth New Hampshire:
Perfect for a Fall Foliage weekend-
Things to visit
Historic Destination;
Places to Stay:
Researching Your Roots:
PBS: Finding Your Roots
Weeks Brick House and Gardens- Interview with Tour Guide and House Historian Mary
Contact via email for Tour:
Weeks Ave off Route 33, Greenland New Hampshire